15 dic 2006

Gmail caido...

Bien, pues mi gmail, esta caido... indudablemente es raro.... tratas de entrar a gtalk y te loguea, pero no te muestra ni tus emails ni tus contactos, no hay forma de entrar a hablar con ellos ni nada que puedas hacer, solo... esperar, es la primera vez que pasa esto desde que gmail ejo de ser beta

Lo que más gracia me ha hecho ha sido leer algunas reacciones por internet como por ejemplo esta:

Friday, December 15, 2006

server error
Current mood: angry

I made it through another term. This time I only hit the 12th Stage of Panic.

There was an unusually large solar storm. You could see the Northern Lights in Ft Collins. Oh, if only I were in Ft Collins.

I'm going to guess that the unusually large solar storm is the reason I can't get the servers to respond on my MOTHER FUCKING GMAIL ACCOUNT. I just need an address from an email so I can send a CHRISTmas card to a honey in Argentina. I'm trying to win the fight in the War on Christmas, but how can I if I can't get to my MOTHER FUCKING GMAIL ACCOUNT?
I know it's a free MOTHER FUCKING GMAIL ACCOUNT but I should be able to access it easily.
Oh well. I'll just send 10 or 12 emails to tech support about not be able to get to my MOTHER FUCKING GMAIL ACCOUNT just so I can feel better after I call them a 'great big bucket of half-wit assholes."

jejeje.... a ver que pasa por la noche

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